(Reference to printed bill)
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:
"Section 1. Section 41-1233, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
41-1233. Prohibited acts; exception; definition
A. No person shall:
1. Retain or employ another person to promote or oppose legislation for compensation contingent in whole or in part on the passage or defeat of any legislation, or the approval or veto of any legislation by the governor, and no person shall accept employment or render service for compensation on a contingent basis.
2. Lobby the legislature for compensation within one year after the person ceases to be a member of the senate or house of representatives.
3. In any manner improperly seek to influence the vote of any member of the legislature through communication with that member's employer.
4. Lobby the public body that employed the person in a capacity having a significant procurement role as defined in section 41-741 in the procurement of materials, services or construction within one year after the person ceases to be employed by the public body.
5. Lobby the legislature for a principal or public body if the lobbyist's, designated public lobbyist's or authorized public lobbyist's representation of the principal or public body involves a conflict of interest, unless each affected principal or public body gives informed consent of the conflict of interest in writing to the lobbyist, DESIGNATED PUBLIC LOBBYIST OR AUTHORIZED PUBLIC LOBBYIST.
b. For the purposes of this section, "conflict of interest" means a circumstance where any of the following occurs:
1. The lobbyist's, designated public lobbyist's or authorized public lobbyist's representation of one principal or public body is directly adverse to another PRINCIPAL or public body.
2. there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more principals or public bodies will be materially limited by either the lobbyist's, designated public lobbyist's or authorized public lobbyist's personal interests or the lobbyist's, designated public lobbyist's or authorized public lobbyist's responsibilities to another principal or public body.
Sec. 2. Section 41-1233.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
41-1233.01. Disclosure
A. A person who is registered pursuant to this article or who is a designated lobbyist, lobbyist for compensation, authorized lobbyist, designated public lobbyist or authorized public lobbyist shall disclose that fact to:
1. Any legislator the person is lobbying for the first time or on any subsequent request of a legislator.
2. Any public official or employee of a public body each time that the person is lobbying for the procurement of materials, services or construction. The person also shall disclose the name of that person's client.
B. On the request of a LEGISLATOR, a designated lobbyist, lobbyist for compensation, authorized lobbyist, designated public lobbyist or authorized public lobbyist shall disclose to the legislator a list that contains the designated lobbyist's, lobbyist's for compensation, authorized lobbyist's, designated public lobbyist's or authorized public lobbyist's current clients that have given informed consent in WRITING to the DESIGNATED LOBBYIST, LOBBYIST FOR COMPENSATION, AUTHORIZED LOBBYIST, DESIGNATED PUBLIC LOBBYIST OR AUTHORIZED PUBLIC LOBBYIST of any conflicts of interest pursuant to section 41-1233."
Amend title to conform